Dr. Lisa Jennifer Dsouza, *Dr. Govardhan J., Dr. Umadevi K. P., Dr. Ilakkia P. Sadasivam, Dr. Rajkiran Takharya
Introduction: COVID-19came as a grave pandemic in December 2019, shaking the entire world and leading to tremendous morbidity and mortality. Though the primary symptoms were respiratory leading to pneumonia but increased dermatological manifestations were also seen in many COVID positive patients. These were reported in the form of various types ofexanthems and enanthems. Though there is limited data regarding the pathogenesis for these and exact correlation is yet to be proved, we have conducted a study to evaluate the dermatological manifestations related to COVID-19 at a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry. Aim and Objectives: To find the most common dermatological presentations in COVID -19 patients. To assess the temporal relationship of dermatological and systemic manifestations of COVID-19 and to compare the correlation between the severity of systemic complaints and dermatological manifestation in COVID 19 patients. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was performed in the dermatology OPD, a total of 300 participants were included over a period of six months. The study included all consecutiveconsenting patients aged 7 to 90 years with RT-PCR positive who were previously diagnosed COVID-19 attending dermatology OPD and of both sexes. Pregnant women were excluded from the study. Results: Out of 300 participants, male preponderance was seen (65%). 41 patients (13.6%)were admitted in the ICU. Comorbidities like diabetes mellitus were seen in 71 patients (23.6%) and 22 (7%) had hypertension. The CT severity score was mild moderate and severe in respect of 3.6%, 11.6% and 5%.Urtricarial rash was seen in 3 patients, maculopapular rash in 9 and chillbains in 2 patients. Mucosal involvement was seen in 14 (4.6%) patients. 197(65.6%)showed COVID associated hairfall. Conclusion: Cutaneous manifestation may be the primary sign of patients suffering from Covid 19 and could have an association with the severity of the disease and therefore should not be missed.
Keywords: COVID-19, Exanthem, morbilliform, chill-blain.
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