Dr. Tushar Bansal*, Dr. N. C. Kajal, Dr. Kunal Bansal, Dr. Shagun and Dr. Tushar Bhagat
Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis accounts for 15-20% of total tuberculosis (TB) cases in immuno-competent patients and skeletal system involvement is rare with presentation of sternal osteomyelitis is rarer even in endemic countries. Tuberculosis of bones and joints affects 1-3% of tuberculosis patients. Isolated tuberculosis of the sternum accounts for less than 1% tubercular osteomyelitis cases. Because of atypical presentation and lack of awareness, diagnosis is challenging and often delayed. In the differential diagnosis of a mass involving the chest wall, possibility of sternal tuberculosis should be considered especially in endemic area for early diagnosis and treatment. We report a case of swelling anterior to manubrium and proximal body of sternum that first seemed to be a chest wall tumour but was finally diagnosed as primary sternal tuberculosis.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Skeletal, Sternum.
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