Harishanbuselvan V.*, Rathinam J., Arthi G., Lakshmanakumar V. and Sushil Kumar PN
Siddha system of medicine is the system that clearly explains the complete integrated relation of body, sense, mind and soul with the universe to attain immortality. In Siddha medicine there are 32 types of Internal medicine and 32 types of external medicine. Chooranam is one among the 32 types of internal medicine. Aavarai Bhavana Chooranamis a esteemed siddha polyherbal formulation mentioned in the ancient books of Siddha Medicine for the treatment of kalladaipu (Uroliathiasis )and diabetes mellitus .The intention of the study was to standardize the Siddha formulation Aavarai Bhavana Chooranam (ABC).Initially, Organoleptic characters like appearance, colour, taste and odour of ABC was noted. ABC was screened for moisture content, total ash value, acid insoluble ash, water soluble extractive value, alcohol soluble extractive value, to estimate the quality of study drug. All the ingredients were procured and botanically authenticated. Ingredients were purified individually as per the siddha literature after which the formulation was prepared. The prepared ABC was subjected to analyses. The derived physico-chemical parameters, TLC profiling, HPTLC fingerprint profiles serve as diagnostic parameters to identify this polyherbal formulation. The achieved results of physico-chemical, TLC profiling, HPTLC finger print profiling will be useful as tools for documentation and profile of the poly herbal formulation.
Keywords: Aavarai Bhavana Chooranam, Siddha Medicine, Standardization, HPTLC.
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