*Dr. Kalyani K. Manwatkar, Dr. Jai Prakash Mongia, Dr. S. P. Gupta, Dr. Danyasi Ashok Kumar, Dr. Yogesh Mahobia, Dr. Soumya Gupta and Dr. Rakshit Sthapak
It is in the clinician’s interest to select the least hazardous devices and materials among the many offered by manufacturers. The polymer chosen is important; some polymers have been reported to be hazardous, and these are quite often used in direct contact with human tissues. Long-term studies testing the biocompatibility of these material (acrylic and bioplastic sheet) are not available. The aim of the study is to analyse the leachable monomers, polymers and dilatational products from retainer materials. Materials and Methods: Using the oxidation reduction reaction taking place in the presence of two different concentrations of potassium permanganate and distilled water separately, three different samples of different companies were tested. The sequence of colour change from purple to red to brown to yellow to clear was used to determine the amount of leaching. This is the result of a stoichiometric relation between the oxidizing agent and the reducing sample. Colour changes were observed through naked eyes over a period of 24 h. Photographs were taken at 15 min, 8 h and 24 h using D-SLR1000 Canon camera. Photos were evaluated separately. Result: Using oxidation reduction reaction colour changes were observed visually and the amount of colour change and leaching showed heat cure>cold cure>bioplastic sheet. Conclusion: The release of BPA and the leaching of monomers, such as Bis-GMA and TEGDMA, is a well-demonstrated phenomenon in oral conditions, which requires special clinical handling and further research.
Keywords: Orthodontic retainers, biocompatibility, polymer.
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