Sajid Habib*, Abdul Nasir Ansari, Abdul Aziz, Mohd Mudassir
Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism are collectively referred to as “dyslipidemias”. Dyslipidemia are generally characterized by increased plasma level of cholesterol, triglycerides, or both variably accompanied by reduced level of HDL cholesterol. Incidence of hyperlipidaemia is higher among male than female. Management of dyslipidemia have been conducted from time to time and many effective drugs have been introduced in Allopathic medicine. In USM, Siman-e-Mufrit is a disease which occurs due to deposition of Barid Ratab madda that is Shaham and fall under the category of Amraz-e-Balghami., most of the diseases are caused by Maddah, either due to quantitative or qualitative imbalances in humours. Such diseases are referred to as “Maddi Amraz” and these arise due to abnormal change in the body humours. The most preferable and beneficial principle of treatment of such diseases, is the principle of “Istifragh” (evacuation). Hammam is the one of various ways through which Istifragh of abnormal humours can be brought about. Hammam has been described as the best way to carry out Istifragh as it result in Tanqiyah of all body humours simultaneously. Hammam like Riyazat and Dalk is the part of Asbab -e- ghairZaroriyah which means they are not essential for the existence of life but if they are performed they maintain the health. Hammam have three rooms having different temperament, the first room is Sard-Tar (BaridRatab), second is Garm - Tar ( HaarRatab ) and the third room is Garm -khushk( Haaryabis ). Instead of this the 4th room which is not included as the room of hammam is used for the changing clothes and for the relaxationsss. The bather enters the rooms successively till the third room or it can stop according to the need. It evacuates the superfluous matter or waste matter from the body in the form of sweat and vapors.
Keywords: Siman-e-Mufrit, Istifragh, Hammam, Asbab -e- ghairZaroriyah.
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