Dr. Ashwini Makadi*, Dr. Pankaj Barapatre, Dr. D.V.Kulkarni, Dr. Pooja Panchaware
Sedentary lifestyle has increases risk of cardiovascular diseases. Food and nutrient plays important role in prevention of this diseases.Ayurveda has emphasized importance of food in management of diseases and has given detail description of it in “Ahara varga”. In present era, even modern practitioner has also realized the importance of dietary items, in form of nutraceuticals elements. Lagenaria siceraria of Cucurbitaceae family is one of nutraceuticals elements, due to the dietary principles exist in it. It Madhura variety (Alabu) acts as Santarpana and Rasayana and the Katu variety (Katu-alabu) do the Aampachana and Strotas shodhana and act as “Hridya” due to which it helps to cure and prevent many cardiovascular diseases. The components like cucurbitacin, lagenin has cardioprotective, antioxidant, antihyperlipidemic activities. The present article aimed to focus on all its medical as well as nutritive property so that it can be seen more as nutraceutical item rather just than dietary vegetables, and to develop interest of researchers regarding its various therapeutic aspects.
Keywords: Alabu, Nutraceuticals, Madhura-Tikta-Katu Rasa, Hridya.
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