Dr. Sapna*, Dr. Manjiri Keskar and Dr. Deepti Sharma
Panchakarma is the most famous detoxification process of Ayurveda, This special treatment of medicated oil massage and herbal remedies was prescribed in ancient Vedic scripture, and has been practiced for many centuries, in accordance with the great works of the ‘Charaka Samhita’. Panchakarma and Shirodhara are the leading therapies in Indian Ayurveda; considering the level of transformative detoxification they provide, it is not difficult to understand why. Panchakarma includes five natural methods of purgation or elimination, vamana, virechan, basti, nasya (shirovirechan), raktamokshana, giving the body an intensively detoxifying the body, while balancing the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Shalakya tantra is one of the important aspects of Ayurveda which deals with the treatment of disease associated with body parts above the neck i.e. eye, ear, nose, throat (aushtha, danta, dantamoola, jihwa, taalu, kantha, sarvasar) and head (shira, kapala). Four out of five sense organs are included in shalakya tantra, so it is very important to protect them from diseases and also maintain their proper functioning. Panchkarma plays a very important role in the treatment of these diseases.
Keywords: Panchakarma, shalakya, vamana, virechan, basti, nasya, raktamokshana.
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