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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Pallavi Lahanu Nibe*, Dr. Prasad Navanath Ghanawat, Dr. Yogesh Kashinath Shewale and Dr. Mangesh Madhusudan Pawar


Sira is considered as Srotas in Ayurveda which is comes under Rasavaha and Raktavaha strotas. The occurrence of a roga or disease starts with Doshadushya Sammurchana, which is takes place in Srotas. Srotas can be considered as the important system through which all the metabolites are transported. In the classics “Siras and Dhamanis” are defined separately as the channels for circulation of blood. The differentiation of Sira and Dhamani can be understood while the following description as “Sravanat Srotamsi” means through which blood flows continuously without any pulsation. “Dhamanat Dhamani” means to pulsate. From this explanation it is very clear that Sira is veins and Dhamani is artery. The Ashrayasthana of Siragata Vata is the Sira of the both lower limbs. The disturbance of Dosha mainly Vata occurs due to the above said Ahara and Vihara producing obstruction of the stream of blood in Sira of the both lower limbs. Adho-Kaya is a most important seat of Vata, where the Kutila Sira is established. When the Vitiated Vata inflicts Sira, it is called as Siragata Vata. Vata which was localized in Sira produces pain and Sira Aakunchana. Aakunchana of Sira is known as Kutila Sira explained by Dalhana which gives detailed of the varicosity of vein and fullness of the vein. Rakta moving in their own Sira does function such as providing nutrition to the tissue, color, tactile sensation and so many other functions. When it exaggerates, Rakta collects in its own Siras, and then many diseases occurred by blood developed in the body.

Keywords: Dhamani, Rakta, Sira, Siragata Vata, Srotas.

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