Vidyasagar Vadla*, Ram Nirup CH, Sandeep Ankam, Dr. Ramya naidu, Sushanta Kr Das and Dr. Ramamohan Reddy T.
Tenofovir disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) is an antiretroviral medication used to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS and to treat chronic hepatitis B. It is a defective adenosine nucleotide that selectively interferes with the action of reverse transcriptase. The most common side effects associated with Tenofovir include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and asthenia. Less frequent side effects include hepatotoxicity, abdominal pain and flatulence. Here we report a case of nephrotoxicity which resulted from long time usage of Tenofovir as the patient is HIV positive for last 15 years. Data regarding effectiveness of nephro-protective agents against TDF-induced nephrotoxicity are not conclusive. Before extrapolation of the preclinical evidence to clinical practice, this evidence should be confirmed in future human studies.
Keywords: Tenofovir, Nephrotoxicity, Retroviral Disease, Acute kidney injury.
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