Mishra Meenu*, Mandloi Balwant and Bhalse Jitendra
Human body has five sense organs viz. nose, tongue, ear, eye and skin. The olfactory mucous membrane is the place in the body where the nervous system is closest to the external environment. Nose is one of the important sense organ which is the pathway of air entering and exiting your lungs. According to Ayurveda Nasa (nose) is the gateway of head. The Medicines administered through nose is known as Nasya Karma. This review article explores the concept and mechanism of Nasya Karma by Ayurvedic and modern perspective. For this study Ayurveda Samhitas, internet and modern medical literature have been reviewed. Nasya Karma is therapeutic measure by which we can treat ear, nose, throat and neurological diseases. There is need to know more about Nasya Karma for maintaining health of healthy persons and to cure disorder in the diseased.
Keywords: Nasya Karma, Ayurveda, Shirovirechana, Nasa.
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