Prathibha M.*, Basavaraj G. Saraganachari, Prashanth Kumar and Arun B. J.
Ahara(Food), Nidra(Sleep) and Brahmacharya(Celibacy) are enumerated as the tripod of life and well being, imbalance in any one these may be the reason for disease is a primordial explanation of Ayurveda regarding health and disease. Concept of Ahara(Food) and Vihara(Activities) are essential factors for the maintenance of life. From ancient to modern times, the perspective to visualize the lifestyle disorders particularly Madhumeha (diabetes) has shifted from holistic to drug oriented. Therefore, until a few years ago, the revival of the holistic approach, the Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle were not being much focused. Diabetes mellitus is a well known clinical syndrome since antiquity. Ayurveda mainly focuses on role of diet in Prameha and Madhumeha, which is akin to Diabetes. Nutraceuticals are food or food products that provide health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. Traditional Indian diets are functional and used as food and medicine. Along with the module of diet, some exercises and yogasanas proves to be the warrior for the diabetes. Reviewing the current practices of diet and lifestyle including food habit, work, rest, exercises with important anti-diabetic properties of conventional system of medicine, accentuates the role of these in diabetes. The correlation and review further emphasizes the way to include or to evaluate more Nutraceuticals and lifestyle modifications for the diabetic population.
Keywords: Ahara, Nutraceuticals, Diabetes mellitus, Madhumeha, Prameha, Brahmacharya.
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