Esegbue P. R. C., Enaohwo T. M., *Ogagayere L. O., Uyovwiesevwa A. J. and Olowe G. T.
Caffeine Active ingredient in coffee is an alkaloid (C8H10O2N4·H2O) found in tea, cacao, and numerous other beverages. Overtime, caffeine has been shown increase the blood pressure, stimulate the central nervous system, promote urine formation, plus stimulate the action of the heart and lungs. However, controversies exist as to its effect on the body weight, relative to those of selected organs. Current study hitherto investigated the comparative effect(s) of coffee and caffeine on the body and relative organ weights of wistar rats. Seventy (70) adult male rats of between 140 – 250 grams were procured and randomly grouped into seven (7) of ten (10) rats each. All group A rats (Control) were fed with normal rat chow and water ad libitum; whereas, Experimental rats (groups B through G) received 40mg/kg, 60mg/kg and 80mg/kg doses of Coffee; and 30mg/kg, 45mg/kg and 60mg/kg doses of Caffeine for four (4) weeks respectively. After period of administration of test substances, the rats were weighed on weekly basis, sacrificed via cervical dislocation and selected visceral (Kidney, Liver, Heart and Testes) harvested (weekly) to ascertain the effect of duration and dose changes on their body and relative organ weights. Following statistical analysis (Using the one way analysis of variance – ANOVA and Student t-test), study found a significant difference (p < 0.05) in relative heart weight among groups (control, high dose, medium dose and high dose) except in low dose caffeine. There was also a significant (p < 0.05) increase in relative liver and testicular weight for medium and high doses of Caffeine but only in high dose of coffee treatment when compared to control and high dose respectively. This proved however insignificant for the kidney. Other than kidney, coffee and caffeine consumption therefore caused a dose and/or duration dependent effect on body and relative organ weights in wistar rats. Further studies aimed at corroborating the findings from this work are highly recommended.
Keywords: Body Weight, Organ Weight, Coffee, Caffeine.
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