*P. Nagaveni, CH. Priyanka, D. Sravani, D. Priyanka and K. Anitha
Annona squamosa linn is a multipurpose tree with edible fruits and is a source of medicinal and industrial purpose. Commonly known as custard apple or sugar apple in English, Sitaphal in Hindi is a native of west indies and is now cultivated throughout India, mainly for its edible fruit. The Preliminary Phytochemical studies revealed for the presence of Alkaloids, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Amino acids, Fixed oils, and Phenolic compounds. It has been used Traditionally in Diarrhea, Dysentery, cold, as Abortifacient, Insecticidal drug etc., so would be suitable to evaluate the drug .This plant was reputed to contain several medicinal properties and the plant posses Analgesic activity, Anti inflammatory, Anti microbial, Anti oxidant, Anti convulsant activity, Anti Head lice activity, Antilipidimic, Anti ulcer, Anti tumors, Anti diabetic activity, Insecticidal etc.
Keywords: Annona squamosa , custard apple Abortifacient, Dysentery, Antilipidimic activity.
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