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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Pratiksha Vitthalrao Namde* and Yawatkar Prashant


Ardita is a disease causing the Vakratha [deviation] of Mukha ardha [half of the face] Bell’s palsy cause sudden, temporary weakness in your facial muscles. bell’s palsy is a form of facial paralysis resulting from damage or trauma to the facial nerves. the facial nerve is also called 7th cranial nerve. Bell’s palsy also known as facial palsy, can occur at any age., the exact cause is unknown. Bell’s palsy can be placed under the wide spectrum of Arditti vyadhi. Ardita is a Vatika disorder mentioned in Ayurvedic classics which is included amongst the eighty Nanatmaja Vata disorders by Acharya Charaka. Acharya Vagbhatta describes it as ‘Ekayam’, Acharya Sushruta mentions the involvement of face whereas Acharya Charaka the whole of Sharirardha (half of the body). Both Acharya Charaka and Sushruta described Nasya (Navana) and Nadi-sweda as the prime treatment modalities for Ardita. Sneha is considered to be the best Vata-shamaka and also the lipid-soluble substances have greater affinity for passive absorption through nasal mucosa and crossing Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) hence, Navana Nasya is considered the best. Nasya drug enters the brain through Shringataka Marma which is a congruence of the nerve fibres for smell, taste, speech, vision and hearing sensations. Ksheerdhooma in the form of Nadisweda (A decoction of cow milk and Vatahara drugs) not only serves the purpose of Swedana helping in better absorption of the drug administered through Nasya, but also helps to reduce the symptoms. Thus, this whole treatment can prove to be a promising management of Ardita by reducing the symptoms and correcting the pathophysiology.

Keywords: Ardita; Ksheerdhooma; Nasya; Shringataka Marma; Swedana.

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