*Dr. Tribhuvannarayan R. Maurya, Dr. Anil Popat Parekar and Dr. Dilip K. Puri
Healthy skin is a reflection of overall wellness. Skin is the largest organ of the body and also considered as beauty symbol in society. Any disease related to skin disturbs the physical and mental health status of an individual. Palmo-plantar psoriasis is a non-infectious chronic inflammatory disease of skin, mainly affects palms and soles. It is characterized by well-defined erythematous plaques with silvery scales. There is hyperproliferation and abnormal differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, infiltration by T-lymphocytes and various endothelial vascular changes in the dermis. In Ayurveda all skin diseases are described under single heading i.e. Kustha. Although there seems no direct correlation between disease described in Ayurveda but it can be correlated with Vipadika which is one type of Kshudrakushtha. In present case of palmo-plantar psoriasis patient has taken treatment from different Pathies but due to frequent recurrence, he preferred Ayurvedic treatment. Patient got clinically significant improvement within one month of Ayurvedic treatment including internal medication and some external therapy.
Keywords: Palmo-plantar psoriasis, Kshudrakustha, Vipadika, Internal medication, External therapy.
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