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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Ibebuike J. E.*, Nwokike G. I., Nwosu D. C. and Nwanjo H. U.


Prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer related morbidity and mortality in the elderly male population. The study aimed at determining the perception of prostate cancer screening among men in Umulogho, Obowo L.G.A. The research work was carried out in Umulogho in Obowo L.G.A. of Imo State. Out of the finite population of 502, the researcher selected 222 men. Most of the respondents fall within 60-69 years (42.8%) followed by those within 50-59 years (23.9%) with the least being those within the age range of 80 years and above (11.3%). Majority of the men are married (70.3%), single (7.7%), divorced (8.6%) and widowed (13.5%). Considering the education level of respondents, most attained primary education (47.8%), Secondary education (24.3%), Informal education (21.6%) with tertiary education having least value of (11.3%). Civil Servant constitute greater fraction of the respondents (31.1%) followed by farmers (16.2%), retired civil servants (14.8%) while traders are (10.8%).The showed that 88.7% of the men admitted to have heard of prostate cancer, while 11.3% lack knowledge of such. Regarding source of information, most of them sourced their information from health workers/practitioners 51%, relations/friends 18.5%, mass media 12.6% with least source of information obtained from Church/Pastor/Reverend/Priest 6.8%.The showed 44.6% of the men know prostate cancer as a form of tumor that attack gland in the male reproductive organ, 19.4% admitted it is the inability to gain and maintain erection, 30.2% said it is inability to impregnate a woman while 5.8% affirmed that it is weakness of the penis. Result from table 4 indicated that 57.2% of the men identified smoking as a predisposing factor to prostate cancer, 54.5% attributed if to increasing age, 49.1% identified obesity as a contributing factor, 39.2% said it runs in family, 38.3% attributed prostate cancer to infection of the prostate, vasectomy 35.6%, gene mutation 21.2%, while 17.6% affirmed chemical exposure can lead to prostate cancer. Summarily 88 (39.5%) know the risk factors of prostate cancer. Most of the men are aware of prostate cancer 88.7% and also knowledgeable that prostate cancer is a form of tumor that attack gland in the male reproductive organ 44.6%, and mean value of 88(39.5%) about risk factors. Majority of the men are conversant of various treatment options for prostate cancer and knew that surgery 62.2% is one of the treatment options. Positive attitude towards prostate cancer exist among the men as their responses were consistently above 2.5 with average value of 2.8. Men of Umulogho Obowo are aware of preventive measures to combat prostate cancer 75.2% have undergone screening, most preferred screening method being digital rectal examination (DRE) 42.3% with least preferred being magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 15.3%.

Keywords: Perception, prostate cancer screening, Men in Umulogho Obowo.

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