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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. R. Abinaya*, Dr. R. Vijaya Nirmala, Dr. R. Karolin Daisy Rani and Dr. M. D. Saravana Devi


Siddha system of medicine was a ancient traditional medical system which had its origin in South India especially in Tamil Nadu. Nearly 80% of World‟s population require medicines from the natural source to manage the health care demands. The medicinal sources obtained from the natural sources had a minimal adverse effect or without adverse effects in compared with the synthetic drug. The medicines obtained from siddha system of medicine possessed a potent effect in various pharmacological effects and these medicines were said to be safety due to lack or minimal adverse effect. The nature of detoxification of siddha formulation was due to the process of purification it requires various steps (Suthi) to make the drug from toxic form to detoxified form. This makes the Siddha system of medicine to standup heel high among various alternative system of this current modern World. The benchmark of this review paper compile the detail description of Gowri Chindhamani Chendooram (GCC) on the physico-chemical analysis, toxicological profile, anti cancer activity, anti microbial activity and clinical trail in OA Patients. The physico-chemical analysis showed the nature of Chindhamani Chendooram (GCC) like dark black colour and having with burnt smell of sulphur, better solubility, lusterless, nano particle nature of chendooram. The Quantitative analysis showed the presence of 2.16% gm of Mercury, 0.98%gm of Sulphur and 34.36%gm of borax. The Qualitative analysis showed the presence of sulphate, nitrate, chloride and sulphide radicals. The Acute toxicity study GCC at various concentration of dose levels did not showed any mortality or any adverse effects during the course of study. On Long term administration of GCC at the dose of 160 mg produced some changes in renal and hepatic damage. It showed the anticancer effect by increasing the concentration of the test drug, there was an increase in the cell growth inhibition. The inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the test drug value was found at the concentration of 31.2μg/ml as 48.21 μg/ml. The lowest cell viability in the concentration was found at 1000 μg/ml as 16.07 μg/ml. The samples of Gowri Chindhamani Chendooram (GCC) revealed the antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative organisms such as N. mucosa, K. pneumonia, P. aeruginosa. The siddha formulation showed much more beneficial effect in OA patients in clinical trail without causing any adverse effects to the patients. Thus this review compile the detail information of Gowri Chindhamani Chendooram (GCC) in various scientific research will pave many useful information regarding Gowri Chindhamani Chendooram (GCC) for siddha researchers, siddha physician, siddha students etc.

Keywords: Gowri Chindhamani Chendooram (GCC), Siddha, Chendooram, Metallic preparation, Physico-Chemical Analysis, Toxicological Profile, Anti Cancer Activity, Anti Microbial Activity, Osteoartritis.

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