Velpandian V.*, Giftillda Selva Elsee T., Anlin M. and Nalina Saraswathi K.
Siddha medical science has been drawing global attention in recent times since they offer treatment possibilities for
even degenerative disorders with no adverse or side effects. In particular the marine environment provides a
remarkable source of many drugs including Corals (Pavalam), a calcareous substance with calcium carbonate,
which is used in Siddha medicine for various ailments. Even though many therapeutic approaches mentioned in
Siddha system of medicine for Coral, this system of medicine lacked systematic research on the physicochemical
standardization based on modern science which restricts the development of the characteristics of this system. In
order to overcome this obstacle and make it credible and acceptable to all, they should undergo detailed scientific
study for their physical and chemical properties, quality standards, processing methods by using modern tools of
standardization to ensure their safety and effectiveness for the better use. This present study attempted to provide
valuable physico chemical standard of the Siddha drug made from Coral “Kodipavala Chunnam”. This drug was
prepared as per Siddha classical literature and then various physico chemical parameters such as organoleptic
characters, solubility test, chemical and elemental analysis which include ICP-OES, SEM and FT-Raman were
scanned. As there is no standard physico chemical profile available for Kodipavala Chunnam, the result of this
work may be taken as standard for future research.
Keywords: Siddha Medicine, Coral, Physico chemical standardization, Kodipavala Chunnam, Analytical study.
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