Dr. R. Selvan, MS. MCh and Dr, S. Subikshavarthni MBBS MEM MRCEM*
Background: Depressed skull fractures are one of the common neurosurgical conditions. It could be simple type with overlying Scalp intact or could be compound with overlying Scalp laceration. The outcome of patients with depressed fracture varies and depends on multiple factors. This study aims to assess the outcome of the patients with depressed skull fracture. Aims and Objectives: To study the various associated intracranial injury with Depressed skull fracture (DSF) and effect on its outcome. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was done in 50 patients with depressed skull fracture in Government Kanyakumari medical college in department of Neurosurgery from March 2015-2017 for a period of two years. The patients selected for this study belonged to all age groups and had clinical depressed skull fracture. Results: In our study out of 50 patients, 64% were aged between 21 and 30 years; 74% were men and 26% were women. Vehicular accidents were the cause in most of cases followed by assault. Extradural hematoma was reported in two patients. Of 40 cases of mild head injury, 27 were managed conservatively and 13 were operated. Six cases had severe head injury; three were operated; and three were treated conservatively. Conclusion: Use of GCS in conjunction with the CT findings is most useful in early management of depressed skull fracture thereby decreasing mortality and morbidity. Mild head injury with better GCS and no associated injuries involvement has a better outcome.
Keywords: Depressed Skull Fracture; Intracranial Injury; GCS.
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