Mohammad Imran*
Background: The information related to family planning and services help in improving gap between births and also address the unmet required for contraception. The optimal family planning and MNCH practices regarding maternal and child health, and nutrition are beneficial for the health of woman as well as the newborn. Purpose: The present study aims to investigate postpartum family planning integration with maternal, newborn and child health services. Methodology: The study has incorporated cross-sectional design approach for tracking the services received by the respondents. The study has been conducted in different hospitals and health-care centers. Women approaching towards maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) care were involved in this study. Each woman was given a survey form to be filled during their visit to the health-care clinic. The women were asked about their knowledge regarding the significance of family planning. Results: The results have shown that majority of the women visited the facility clinic either for consulting doctor for her sick child (47.4 %) or for postnatal care (23 %). The knowledge regarding the importance of family planning was not satisfactory among majority of the women (65.9 %). Whereas, 74.1 % of them stated that they had some knowledge regarding the negative impact of short pregnancy on the health of mother as well as the child. However, majority of the women (85.2 %) confirmed that they were satisfied with health of their children even after short pregnancy durations. Conclusion: It has been concluded that although family planning services in the existing community-based MNCH programs were effective, but the level of awareness regarding the significance of family planning was not satisfactory.
Keywords: Postpartum, Family Planning, Maternal Health, Newborn, Child Health Services.
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