Azza G. A. Farag, M.D.*, Elsayed I. Elshayeb, Mona S. Habib, M.D., Reda A. Ibrahem, M.D., Masroor Qutubuddin and Reda Z. Mahfouz, M.D.
Background: Endocan may play a possible indicator for vascular endothelial related pathologies. Severe psoriasis is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease. Endocan may predict renal impairment in psoriatic patients. Aim(s): To assess risk of renal impairment in patients having psoriasis and to investigate the role of serum endocan in renal impairment in these patients. Methods: We have estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and examined serum endocan level in normotensive non-diabetic psoriasis patients (n=70) controlled to age- and gender- matched volunteers (n=60). Psoriasis area severity index (PASI) score was used to assess psoriasis severity. Results: eGFR was significantly low in psoriasis patients than controls (p = 0.02), and in sever than moderate psoriasis (p = 0.02). Endocan serum level showed a significant elevation among psoriatic cases than controls (p < 0.001), and was correlated positively with psoriasis severity (r=0.83, p < 0.001), and negatively with eGFR (r= - 0.43, P < 0.001). Severe psoriasis patients had odds ratio (OR) of 2.5 getting renal impairment compared to moderate psoriasis. The best cutoff of endocan was 507.23 pg/mL for detection of early kidney impairment in psoriasis patients (sensitivity =87.5%, specificity=82.3%, accuracy=82.9%) with area under the curve of 0.79. Psoriasis patients with high serum endocan had 2.3 OR of getting renal impairment. Conclusion: Serum endocan is associated with psoriasis severity and may be a sensitive and accurate predictive biomarker for early detection of renal impairment in psoriasis patients. Renal impairment has OR of 2.5 in severe psoriasis and of 2.3 in psoriasis patients with high endocan.
Keywords: psoriasis, renal impairment, eGFR, endocan, biomarker.
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