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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Chauhan A S* and Chauhan S R


In India, it is estimated that adolescents constitute 21.8% of the population, i.e. 207 million in number. Adolescence proves to be the most vulnerable phase in the path of human life cycle after infancy, characterized by rapid growth and development with a transition from childhood to adulthood. This study was done with the objective to study socio-demographic profile of adolescent girls attending Adolescent Family Health Services (AFHS) clinics in Ahmedabad city, Gujarat. Methodology: This was a cross sectional study done in all ten Adolescent Friendly Health Services (AFHS) clinics in Ahmedabad city during May 2011 – August – 2012 and a total of 467 Adolescent girls were studied.. Results: A total of 467 adolescent girls from ten AFHS clinics from urban slum-like and slum population were enrolled in the study after they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Age of Adolescent girls ranged from 10-19 years. Mean age of girls was 14.5+2.4 years. Maximum (42%) girls belonged to the age group 13-15 years [mid adolescence], 23.4% girls werein early adolescence (10-12 years) and 34.6% girls were in late adolescence (16-19 years). Majority of the girls belonged to SEC IV while less than one third belonged to SECVaccording to Modified Prasad’s classification. Nutritional status of girls revealed that 150 (32.1%) girls were under-nourished, 40 (8.6%) girls were overweight and 2(0.4%) girls were obese. According to JNC 7 classification, blood pressure of 3096.2%) girls was in Pre-hypertensive phase. Blood pressure of none of the girls was in hypertensive phase. Conclusion: The present study suggests empowering girls yield undeniable returns for all not only in the community but also for the country. This can be brought about by creating awareness by involving local self-help groups and NGO’s.

Keywords: Adolescent, Girls, AFHS, Socio-demographic profile.

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