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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Deshpande Vaishali Shailesh*, Deshpande Shailesh Vinayak, Prof. Kohli Kuldeep Raj, Tamoli Sanjay and Prof. Sakapal Shashikant S


Background: Incidence of Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) in on a rise with increased incidence of Diabetes mellitus. Derangement of renal function leads to end stage renal disease and dialysis or renal replacement remains the only remedy. Though angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) are used in DN, these have their limitations. Objectives: To evaluate efficacy and safety of Gokshhura (T. terrestris) ghana tablets in Diabetic nephropathy. Methodology: Prospective, randomised, single blind, placebo controlled pilot clinical study was conducted. 57 patients of DN (35 to 70 years both ages inclusive), with raised 24-hour urinary protein and decreased creatinine clearance were screened. 42 patients were randomised in two groups. Group A received Gokshur ghana tablets one gram and group B received placebo, four times a day with water. Visits were at an interval of every four weeks, till 12 weeks. 24-hour urinary protein, creatinine clearance, haemogram, hepatic profile and glycosylated haemoglobin were measured at baseline and after 12 weeks, while renal profile, blood sugar and other clinical symptoms and examinations were measured at every 15 days visit. Results: Significant difference was seen in the treatment group in mean- 24-hour urinary protein (p<0.05), indicating decrease in protein loss, while no significant difference was seen in creatinine clearance (p>0.05). In the placebo group, increased 24-hour urinary protein (p>0.05) was seen and significant decrease in creatinine clearance was observed (p<0.05). Analysis between the groups did not show significant difference. Conclusion: The study concludes that consumption of Gokshura in a dose of 1 gm four times a day may help in in reducing protein loss and preserving renal functions.

Keywords: Kidney disease, renal function, decreased glomerular filtration, protein loss, Prameha Upadrava, ayurveda.

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