Pradeep Kumar Pal*, Neera Saini and H. H. Awasthi
Yoga is an organized preparation for the realization of superior perceptions. Physical, mental and spiritual aspects of Yoga lend a hand to make one’s life purposeful, constructive and dignified. The core of Patanali’s Yoga Sutra is an eight limbed path that forms the structural construction of Yoga practice. Among these eight limbed path, under Yama implication are given how we should have approach towards things and people outside ourselves. Accurately means of Yama is to control. Yama is broken down into five folds named by Ahinsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigraha. Any vitiation in all these rules can escort to physical, mental and spiritual intermission causing no fulfilment of goals of Yoga practices. In Ayurveda, science of life also, nearby all these factors are described here and there in aspects of to live healthy and not following all these factors may lead vitiation of body humors Vata, Pitta and Kapha causing origination of a lot of diseases as well.
Keywords: Yama, Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha.
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