Amar Lal*, Muhammad Junaid Mahboob, Sameeta, Kiran and Sagar
Objective: The present study investigated the immunological characteristics of IgM, IFN𛾠and IL10 cytokines in the hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly syndrome (HMSS) at a tertiary care hospital of Sindh. Study design: Case control study. Study setting & Duration: Department of Medicine- LUMHS Jamshoro, from February 2016 to December 2016. Subjects & Methods: A sample of 60 cases of HMSS and 60 normal subjects were selected as controls. The HMSS cases were diagnosed as by Bates et al criteria. Size of spleen and liver was measured by sonography. Serum IgM, IFN𛾠and IL10 cytokines were measured. Data saved in a pre structured proforma. Confidentiality was maintained. Software ―Statistix 9.0‖ (USA) was used for statistical analysis at 95% confidence interval (P ≤ 0.05). Results: Immunological markers the IgM, Interferon-𛾠(IFNð›¾) and Interleukin-10 (IL-10) were found elevated in the HMSS cases (P=0.0001). Spleen size was significantly positively associated with the IgM (r= 0.707, P=0.0001), IFN𛾠(r= 0.70, P=0.0001) and IL-10 (r= 0.826, P=0.0001) and liver span (r= 0.821, P=0.0001). Conclusion: The present study noted elevated IgM, IFN𛾠and IL-10 cytokines levels in the hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly syndrome.
Keywords: IgM, IFN????, IL-10, Hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly syndrome.
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