Dr. Neelam Sajwan* and Dr. Swapnil Singhai
An ulcer on the mucosa of the duodenum caused by the action of the gastric juice is known as duodenal ulcer. Every year over three lakhs people round the world have ulcer related surgeries, because of persistent symptoms or complications. All the operations for duodenal ulcer have achieved their aim to some extent but with varying degree of morbidity, mortality and post-operative side effects. Because of this condition, the person always remains in the state of discomfort. Duodenal ulcer occurs more often in men than women. The etiological factors may include genetic predisposition, altered acid secretion, rapid gastric emptying, defective mucosal defense mechanisms, psychological stress and smoking. Prevention can be done by avoiding smoking, caffeine and alcohol, exercise regularly, gets enough sleep at night and meditation. Common prescribing drugs include: Antacids, H2 Antagonist, medications that block acid production and antibiotics in case of Helicobacter pylori infection. But the permanent improvement cannot be achieved. The beneficial effect of Patoladi Ghanvati may be due to its Deepan, Pachan, Pitta-sarak, Udarshool-nashak, Vatanulomak, Anti-inflamatory, Anti-Ulcer, Anti-oxidant, Anti-Stress and Anti-Spasmodic properties.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Duodenal ulcer, Patoladi Ghanvati.
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