Dr. Rajveer Sason* and Dr. Anita Sharma
Ayurveda is not only a medical science but also a way of healthy living .Indian system of medicine plays an important part in health care system all over India. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine having eight important branches. Agad tantra is among one of them which deals with toxicological conditions and their management. Acharya Susruta in Kalpasthaana of his work Susruta Samhita, and Acharya Vaagbhata in Uttaratantra of his work Ashtaanga Hrdaya, and in other classics and regional texts have narrated regarding the origin of Visha and luta Visha. Spiders are carnivorous anthropods that coexist with humans. There are more than 30,000 species of spiders and most of them are venomous. Spiders rarely transmit communicable diseases, but they also play an important role in the ecosystem by consuming other anthropods, such as mosquitoes and flies which transmit diseases. Agada Tantra has simplified approach towards Luta’s (spiders) and has included the classification, clinical features (general and specific) and its treatment (general and specific) protocol. Acharya Suhsruta described Luta Visha under Jangama Visha and explained 16 types of luta. In this article an attempt is made to conceptualize spider envenomation according to Ayurveda which will help not only for differential diagnosis of spider bites but also the easy availability of herbal medicine treatment.
Keywords: Luta, Luta visha, Spider, Spider bites.
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