Dharmaraj W. Tamgire*, Yogesh A. Sontakke and Vilas K. Chimurkar
Background - Detailed knowledge of Anatomy forms a prerequisite for better understanding and appreciation of further specialities of medicine. Traditionally bones were routinely used in anatomy classes as learning resource material. This is a common observation that day by day bones are not available in sufficient numbers for students. No study yet is undertaken to assess the role of bones in learning anatomy. Objective- To assess the availability of bones with undergraduate medical students, its role and effects on learning outcome and recommendations thereof. Methods- A questioner based opinion survey of faculties involved in teaching human anatomy was planned. The questioner was based on availability and awareness for bones, sources of bones and recommendations. Results- Survey result pointed out that 100% faculty believed that bones are essentially required for teaching and learning anatomy. Only 10-15 % of students are using the bones in classes as learning resource material and this proportion is decreasing year by year. Commonest difficulty expressed by students is unawareness of sources for procuring bones. Despite the importance of bones in learning anatomy 90% of faculties are not aware of authorised places to buy bones. 55% of faculties suggested that establishment of departmental bone bank for students will overcome the problem of shortage of bones. Conclusion- currently bones are underutilised as learning resource material in anatomy because of less availability which can be improved by setting up departmental bone banks for students.
Keywords: Anatomy, Bones, Learning Resource Material.
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