Dr. C. Madhavi Latha* and Yalla Reddy Kolavali
Cucurbita maxima, belongs to family Cucurbitaceae, is commonly known as pumpkin. Several literature reports suggest it to be antidiabetic, antihypertensive, anticancer, immunomodulators, antibacterial and antihyperlipidaemic. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of the methanolic extract Cucurbita maxima of on blood pressure of both normotensive and hypertensive (egg- feed and glucose- induced) rats. The effect of the extract on systolic, diastolic, mean blood pressures and heart rate were evaluated by using non-invasive blood pressure measurement apparatus (NIBP). The extract at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg (p.o) exhibited a significant decrease in blood pressure and heart rate of normotensive rats. While at the dose of 200mg/kg (p.o) it produces less significant effect than 400 mg/kg (p.o). The 400mg/kg of the extract produces a highly significant effect was selected for antihypertensive effect in egg feed and glucose treated hypertensive rats. A significant antihypertensive was observed at 400 mg/kg (p.o) in both hypertensive models. In addition, a non-significant decrease in ALT, AST, and ALP but significant decrease in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and increase in HDL levels were observed in the serum of the extract treated animals. The methanolic extract of Cucurbita maxima possesses safer active principles which exert both hypotensive and antihypertensive effects in normal and hypertensive animal models respectively.
Keywords: Cucurbita maxima, Immunomodulatory, Hypertensive, Glucose.
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