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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



*R. Prem Sudha and R. Malathi


Solid waste generation of the city is the highest by any Indian city with more than 6256 tons a day. Rapid urbanization and fast lifestyle have modified the environment and has led to the formation of various types of toxic compounds in the nature which are less degradable and harmful to living beings Uncontrolled and unscientific garbage disposal system with the associated problem of infiltration of solutes and accumulation at any particular depth of soil leading contamination to the ground water reserves are major problems and is expected to increase with the time, if not proper preservation and precaution is taken. Due to shortage of space for landfill in bigger cities, the biodegradable yard waste is allowed to degrade or decompose in an oxygen rich medium by composting process. A good quality nutrient rich and environmental friendly manure is formed which improves the soil condition and fertility. Food wastes coming out from various food processing industries, urban residents, hotels etc. will exclude more odor, toxic gases affects human health and results in various diseases. The best possible option to reduce the potential pollutants before entering the nature biological system is to compost them by Vermicomposting method. A nutrient rich amendment produced by biological degradation of organic material under aerobic conditions. The result of this decomposition process is compost, a crumbly, earthy-smelling, soil-like material. Here, a study is undertaken to compost the domestic solid waste collected from Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology Hostel, the raw waste was put to active composting without any source separation and pulverization. The biodegradation levels were analyzed by measuring temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total solids, volatile solids and ash content. The composted materials will be analysed finally for heavy metals and nutrient levels.

Keywords: Aerobic composting, Windrow, Vermicomposting, foodwaste.

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