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European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (EJPMR) has indexed with various reputed international bodies like : Google Scholar , Indian Science Publications , InfoBase Index (In Process) , SOCOLAR, China , Research Bible, Fuchu, Tokyo. JAPAN , International Society for Research activity (ISRA) , Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) , Polish Scholarly Bibliography , Global Impact Factor (GIF) (Under Process) , Universal Impact Factor , International Scientific Indexing (ISI), UAE  , Index Copernicus , CAS (A Division of American Chemical Society) USA (Under Process) , Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ, Sweden, in process) , UDLedge Science Citation Index , CiteFactor , Directory Of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) , Indian citation Index (ICI) , Journal Index (JI, Under Process) , Directory of abstract indexing for Journals (DAIJ) , Open Access Journals (Under Process) , Impact Factor Services For International Journals (IFSIJ) , Cosmos Impact Factor , Jour Informatics (Under Process) , Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) , International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF) , Science Library Index, Dubai, United Arab Emirates , Pubmed Database [NLM ID: 101669306] (Under Process) , IP Indexing (IP Value 2.40) , Web of Science Group (Under Process) , Directory of Research Journals Indexing , Scholar Article Journal Index (SAJI) , International Scientific Indexing ( ISI ) , Scope Database , Academia , 

 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Muhammad Hibban Dzakir, Nawa Aulia Salsabila, Alvin Afriza, Kania Indrawati, Muzaki Muhammad Asari,
Resti Fuji Lestari, Saida Rahma Sinta, Reffa Witny Aoulia, Reva Fayza Zahra, Zamitha Nafishah, Melah
Parohah, Dewi Hartati, Rida Nazah, Dedeh Deswita, Amelia Lestari Putri, Aulia Pitria Handayani and Maulana
Yusuf Alkandahri*


The use of traditional medicinal plants has significant advantages for cultural development, acceptability and economic affordability. In addition, medicinal plants are claimed to be able to cure several types of diseases
compared to modern medicines. This research aims to document and preserve the use of ethnomedicine to treat
hyperlipidemia by people in the Pondoksalam Region, Purwakarta, West Java, Indonesia. Fieldwork was carried
out from March to April 2024 using direct interviews, questionnaires and discussions. Plant species are identified
based on standard taxonomic methods, flower morphological characteristics, and where possible, using samples for
comparison, as well as consultation with experts and the literature. The plant types obtained were grouped into
families according to the Cronquist classification system. Plant names were checked against the Plant List
( and the International Plant Name Index ( This study reports that 30 plant
species are commonly used by people in the Pondoksalam Region to treat hyperlipidemia. Among the various plant
parts used, leaves (56.7%) are most often used in making medicine, followed by fruit (23.3%), rhizome (10%),
stem, rind, and seeds (3.3% respectively). Meanwhile, the most frequently used preparation method was infusion
(56.7%), followed by decoction (20%), juice (20%), and paste (3.3%). The research results confirm that the
Sundanese people in the Pondoksalam Region still rely heavily on medicinal plants for the treatment of
hyperlipidemia. However, efforts to preserve medicinal plants and the local wisdom of the people in this area have
not been significant. Therefore, it is recommended that local indigenous communities and the government carry out
in situ and ex situ conservation strategies for medicinal plants in the Pondoksalam Region, so that the availability
of medicinal plants in the region is maintained.

Keywords: Traditional medicine, Ethnomedicinal plants, Pondoksalam Region, Antihyperlipidemic.

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  All Since 2019
 Citation  3086  2560
 h-index  18  17
 i10-index  64  44



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