*Prathibha M., Anant S. Desai, Basavaraj G. Saraganachari, Kalyani M. S. and Pranathi G. Kashyap
“Kaayortara agnimuchyate”, showcases the importamnce of agni in our shareera. As Ayurveda quotes “sarve roga api mandagno”, the main causative factor for any impairment or vikrutavastha in the shareera is only due to the vitiation of agni. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the auto immune disorder which is an Inflammatory Arthritis condition caused due to anti immunogens characterized by symmetrical joint pain, swelling, associated with morning stiffness and rise in local temperature. When ama and vata simultaneously get vitiated due to long term intake of virrudhahara and viruddha cheshta associated with mandagni, there will be dislodgement of the ama in the shleshma sthana, which can be mainly considered as parva and sandhi, leading to aavarana of ama by vata in the sandhi pradesha causing Amavata. Ayurveda being a holistic science, treating and managing amavata can be achieved by various shodhana and shamana chikitsa, which involves amahara and deepana pachana to correct the impaired agni followed by vatahara and shamana chikitsa. In this case series, siddha basti along with rookshana paana was adopted to manage the condition.
Keywords: Amavata, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Basti, Auto Immune Disorders, Agni, Rookshana.
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