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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Vd. Tejas Shinde*, Vd. Amrapali Patil and Vd. Deepali Aher


Agadatantra which is a branch of Ashtang Ayurveda has given more emphasis over Garavisha (Artificial poisons) as well as natural poisons i.e., Sthavar and Jangam Visha. Detailed explanation of the Garavish, its definition, sign and symptoms, mode of administration and treatment has been described in our Samhitas. In Ayurveda the Gara Visha is considered to be as one of the forms of Kritrim Visha. It is formed by combination of two or more than two poisonous or non-poisonous drugs, which ultimately affects the whole body by vitiating all the Doshas, Dhatus and Strotas in the body. Laghu, Ruksha, Aashu, Vishad, Vyavayi, Tikshna, Vikaashi, Sookshma, Ushna, Anirdeshya rasa are the ten qualities of poisonous drugs. Poison is a substance which when administered, inhaled or ingested capable of acting deleteriously on human body and produces ill health. Poison may be synthetic, mineral, vegetable or of animal origin. The human excreta and wastes, insect powder, these are the etiological agents of Gara Visha which mentioned in ayurveda. Some food, milk and drink additives has also interfered the digestive process. Hence the Chikitsa Sutra of Gara Visha will be applied for the management of Chronic toxicity of such toxicant. Vaman (induce emesis) by Tamra Bhasm and Virechan (induce purgation) by Nagdantyadi Ghrit will help to remove Gara Visha along with Pitta, Kaphaj vitiated Doshas. Thus, the diagnostic protocol and ayurvedic management may play important role to cure the gar Visha as per current aspect.

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