Dr. Anuradha Rana* and Dr. Sujata Sharma
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gut. It is a condition in which only colon is involved with continuous lesions. Patients show altered bowel habit such as bloody diarrhoea, constipation, rectal bleeding, tenesmus, passage of mucous and crampy abdominal pain etc. In Ayurved Ulcerative colitis symtoms can be correlated with Vataja Grahani. Ayurveda described various Samshaman chikitasa for the management of Ulcerative colitis such as Matra Basti, proper nutritional supplements, herbal therapy, Yoga and meditation etc. In present case study, A diagnosed case of ulcerative colitis, age 14yrs female from Arogyadham Super Specialiest Hospital and Research Center, came to OPD of Kaumarbhritya, rishikul ayurvedic collage and hospital, Haridwar. With complains of stools with fresh blood and mucous during defecation since 1 years. Associated with symptoms of abdominal pain and weight loss, since 1years. She was given ayurvedic medication along with Marma therpy and her complaints not only relieved but also delayed remission as well. The goals of the treatment are to improve quality of life, minimize the risk of colon cancer and achieve steroids free remission of the disease ulcerative colitis.
Keywords: Pittaja Grahani; Ulcerative Collitis; Digestion; Ayurveda; Dhatvagani.
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