Dr. Snehal Ramesh Sonwane*, Dr. Maya Gokhale, Dr. Vandana Avhad and Dr. Sushrut Deshpande
Ayurvedic therapies and practices have been integrated in universal wellness. Changes in lifestyle with development are very drastic. Diseased environment, junk food habits, work in shift duties, anxiety etc. are the main causative factors for vitiation of Tridosha. According to Ayurveda Sheetpitta is described as Tridoshaj Vyadhi, but Vata and Kapha Dosha are predominant and Rasa and Rakta are main Dushya. Sheetpitta is one among the Twaka Vikara (skin disorders) that have related Hetu of Kotha and Udarda. Vata and Kapha are two "Doshas", which are primarily bothered which in turn is associated through Pitta resulting in Tridosha Prakopa causing red rashes, swelling, itching on the skin. Chief symptoms of Sheetpitta are reddish spots, inflammation on skin with moderate to severe itching at site. It is compared with Urticaria in modern science and termed as primary cutaneous disorder. Episodes of Urticaria may continue to revert for days, weeks, months or year if not cured properly. Urticaria is calculated as allergic reaction due to certain food and have only symptomatic treatment and anti-allergic drug. Commonly antihistaminic medicines were used for Urticaria. In Ayurveda, treatment of Sheetpitta includes Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa. The present case study is on a 31years old female patient pre diagnosed as Sheetpitta came to Panchakarma OPD, Shodhana Chikitsa was planned followed by Shaman Chikitsa. Results obtained were good.
Keywords: Sheetpitta, Shamana, Shodhana, Raktamokshan, Siravedh, Virechana.
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