Fasiha Tasneem* and Raviraj D. Kumbhar
Background: Placental abruption is most important cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity and perinatal deaths. Approximately 0.51% of the pregnancies are complicated by placental abruption, 10% of all preterm births and up to 1/3rd all the perinatal deaths are caused by placental abruption. Advanced maternal age, multiparity, low BMI, abruption in previous pregnancy, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, intrauterine infection, premature rupture of membranes, abdominal trauma, smoking, drug abuse, pregnancy following assisted reproductive techniques and maternal thrombophilia. Methods: This is a prospective analytical study over the period of 18 months. This study includes all cases of abruptio placenta. Results: During the of 18 months, out of antepartum haemorrhage cases 102 were noted abruptio placenta, out of this 37.3% were primigravida, 51.3% were multigravida, 10.8% were grand multigravida, 31.4% were pregnancy induced hypertension, 69.6% unbooked cases, 63.6% cases were found in 24-36 weeks of gestation. Conclusion: Abruptio placentae is an obstetric emergency, which as the name suggest is truly accidental with few warning signs. the incidence though cannot be eliminated, care should be taken to decrease the overall incidence and severity of the condition. by avoiding high parity by timely sterilization, improving socioeconomic status, proper antenatal care, correction of anaemia, identifying cases of preeclampsia and their effective management anticipation of abruption in high-risk cases, timely admission, strict surveillance, prompt action at the time of occurrence can go a long way in bringing better results in dealing with this grave condition.
Keywords: Antepartum haemorrhage, abruptio placenta, preeclampsia, Postpartum haemorrhage.
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