Vd. Bhushan K. Patil*, Vd. Vilas Kad, Vd. Mahadeo Tupe, Vd. Anuja Valsange and Vd. Sachin Chaudhari
World Health Organization defines osteoporosis as a “Progressive systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and micro architectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture” Osteoporosis is considered a serious public health concern. Based on 2001 census approximately 163 million Indians are above the age of 50. This number is expected to increase to 230 million by 2015. Even conservative estimated suggest that of these, 20% of women and about 10-15% of men would be osteoporotic. The total effected population would, therefore, be around 25million, the figure can increase to 50 million. According to the classics, Asthi Kshaya is having the Lakshanas like Asthi Shulam, Kesha, Loma, Nakha, Dwija Prapatanam, Sandhi Shaitilya. As some of the Laskshana of Asthi Kshaya resembles with the signs and symptoms of Osteoporosis, to certain extent it can be compared to Osteoporosis. The detail knowledge of Nidana Panchak of Asthikashaya will help in its diagnosis and management.
Keywords: Asthikshaya, Vata Dosha, Osteoporosis, Nidan Panchak.
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