Dr. Ekta V. Mirgal* and Dr. Anand V. Kalaskar
In today‟s busy life, one can't follow the rules of 'Dinacharya' and Ritucharya' described in 'Ayurveda'. Due to heavy industrialization and heavy traffic, one constantly comes into contact with various pollutants. The spicy and fast food eaten now a days, which has very less nutritional value and also consists Viruddhahara'. This ultimately results into 'Dhatudaurbalya' which causes sensitivity towards allergens causing release of antibodies and produces various types of allergic reactions, one of them being 'Urticaria', which is very common. Urticaria is an allergic reaction of the skin to a variety of exogenous and endogenous antigens. It is a common disease nowadays, characterized and pruritis are due to the releases of histamine and other mediators from mast cells. Ayurvedic classics mentioned this condition as sheetpitta, which is vatpradhan Tridosha in nature. Symptoms mentioned by acharyas are shotha, toda, kandu and daha. Even after the availability of newer medicine, there is a lack of promising results against this ailment. Moreover, the use of drugs like antihistamines and corticosteroids lead to various side effects. Modern medicine produces only symptomatic relief but Ayurveda treats a holistic way. Ayurveda treats to eliminate the root cause of the disease so that the body remains healthy and no symptoms exist. In Ayurveda, the sequential administration of Shodhana therapy and certain Shaman Yoga are quite beneficial. Virechana (therapeutic purgation) is best treatment for Pittaja Vyadhi and also it is an important treatment for Vataja, Kaphaja and Raktaja Vyadhi (as these all are vitiated in Sheetapitta), thus Virechana eradicates the aggravated Doshas from the body thereby producing a marked relief in patients of Urticaria.
Keywords: Dhatudaurbalya, Urticaria, Sheetapitta, Shodhana, Shaman, Virechana.
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