M. Saadoune*, M. Elkhadir, M. Darfaoui, A. Elomrani and M. Khouchani
Serous cystadenoma of the pancreas is a cystic benign tumor composed of small cystic spaces lined by small cuboidal cells with clear cytoplasm. We report a new case of this entity in 53-year-old Moroccan woman, with no family history of tumor. She consulted for an abdominal pain revolving for 2 months. The clinical exam revealed an epigastric sensitivity with a general state preserved. An abdominal computed tomographic scan was performed and revealed the presence of multicyclic pancreatic tumor measuring 2.5x1.5. It was located in the isthmus of the pancreas. The patient had an isthmic pancreatectomy. Histologically the tumor was composed of variably sized cysts bordered by simple cuboidal, focally glycogen-rich epithelium. The stroma was variably collagenized and showed highly vascularized, delicate to broad fibrous septas. Thus, the diagnosis of primary serous cystadenoma of the pancreas was retained. Serous cystadenoma is an uncommon neoplasm that can be confused with malignancy.
Keywords: Pancreas, Serous cystadenoma, Cystic neoplasm, Case report.
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