Aayushi Dawar*, Sapna Shrivas Preeti Chaturvedi
In Ayurveda classics emphasize on the need of processing (Shodhana) of crude herbal drugs. The patients should only be given raw herbal medications after performing thorough Shodhana. Purification is necessary to provide chemical and physical purities to the drug. In this process, the drugs become therapeutically more effective and less toxic. In the modern era, it is essential to understand the traditional purification techniques for raw herbal drugs that are described in many Ayurveda Samhitas. Vamana (emetic therapy) is one among the Panchakarma Chikitsa, where the morbid Doshas are expelled through the oral cavity. In various forms of preparations, the classics of Ayurveda mention numerous Vamaka Yogas. Among these, Madanaphala (Madanphalapippali) is regarded as the best. According to the Samskara Vidhi described in the Charaka Samhita, fresh fruits from the Madanaphala plant were collected in accordance with the Sangraha Vidhi, kept in a Kusha Puta, and mixed with Ghrita, Dadhi, Madhu, And Tila Kalka (Kalpasthana).
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